
Supercharge employee collaboration and maximize productivity

We accelerate digital workplace transformation and streamline operational efficiencies with EX Managed Services customized to meet your business needs. From offloading tasks, to full estate management, we provide complete lifecycle support across your collaboration and communications estate.

Key outcomes

Key outcomes

Enhanced user experience

Integrate your remote workers and accelerate teamwork while ensuring secure and seamless collaboration across distributed teams.

Lifecycle support

Accelerate your digital workplace transformation with tiered managed service models that tailor to meet your unique business needs.

Increased operational efficiencies

Manage change, deliver strategic projects and ensure consistently high availability and performance to each user and device.

Deliver high-quality governance

SLA-driven resolution ensures your teams remain connected and productive, with leading delivery processes including ITIL 3.0 framework and ISO 27001 governance.

Our partners

Poly logo
Audiocodes logo
Ribbon logo
Crestron logo



Video endpoints and telepresence systems managed globally 


Video endpoints and telepresence systems managed globally 


ISO27001 Information Security Management and ITIL Service Management


ISO27001 Information Security Management and ITIL Service Management

1 million+

Cloud Voice and Managed Services users with Microsoft and Cisco collaboration

1 million+

Cloud Voice and Managed Services users with Microsoft and Cisco collaboration

3.8 million+

UC users supported across multiple technologies

3.8 million+

UC users supported across multiple technologies
Contact Us

We’re here to help!

We partner with organizations around the world to shape and achieve outcomes through intelligent technology solutions. Let us know how we can assist yours.

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