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New NTT survey finds that unnecessary data storage hinders sustainability goals for most businesses
NTT Ltd., a leading IT infrastructure and services company, has today announced the findings of its sustainability study, revealing a limited awareness amongst organisations of the impact data storage has on carbon emissions.
PageNTT becomes first in APAC to obtain three Cisco Master Specializations
Australia has fulfilled all the requirements for delivering exceptional client benefits in Networking, Collaboration and Security.
PageCo-location imperatives for new hyperscaling cloud environments
In the digital age, organisations need the ability to scale quickly and respond proactively to business demands – hyperscale data centers have risen to match these dynamic needs.
PageNTT and A.S.O. continue to transform and revolutionize the fan experience of the Tour de France with new technology deal
NTT (NTT Ltd.), and Amaury Sport Organisation (A.S.O.), the organizer of the Tour de France, have renewed their partnership until 2024.