Terms and conditions - Europe



NTT Austria GmbH

  1. AGB Geschäftsbedingungen für Serviceleistungen   |   Terms and Conditions for Services

  2. AGB Installationsbedingungen   |   Terms and Conditions Installation

  3. Einkaufsbedingungen   |   Terms and Conditions for Purchase

  4. FEEI Allgemeine Lieferbedingungen   |   FEEI Delivery Terms and Conditions

  5. FEEI Allgemeine Softwarebedingungen   |   FEEI Software Terms and Conditions


NTT Belgium NV

  1. Algemene voorwaarden   |   General Terms and Conditions  |  Conditions Générales de Vente


Czech Republic

NTT Czech Republic s.r.o.

  1. NTT eStore Obchodní podmínky   |   NTT eStore Terms and Conditions

  2. Prohlášení o ochraně osobních údajů

  3. Všeobecné obchodní podmínky pro dodávky zařízení a související služby (projekty)   |   General terms and conditions for deliveries of equipment and related services (projects)

  4. Všeobecné obchodní podmínky pro poskytování servisních služeb   |   General terms and conditions for the Provision of Services

  5. Všeobecné obchodní podmínky pro prodej zboží   |   General Terms and Conditions for the Sale of Goods


NTT Germany AG & Co. KG

  1. Allgemeine Annahmen und Ausschlüsse für Installationsleistungen

  2. Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen für den Einkauf

  3. Allgemeine Verkaufs- und Lieferbedingungen   |   General terms of sale & delivery

  4. Cookie policy eStore

  5. Datenschutzhinweise eStore   |   Privacy statement for NTT eStore

  6. eStore Loeschung eines accounts

  7. Geschäftsbedingungen für Service an Kommunikations- und Datensystemen sowie an sonstigen Systemen

  8. Geschäftsbedingungen für Serviceauftrag   |   General terms and conditions for the provision of services

  9. Nutzungsbedingungen eStore   |   Terms and conditions for use of NTT eStore


NTT Italia S.p.A.

  1. Condizioni Generali di vendita e fornitura di servizi e prodotti | General Terms and Conditions for the Supply of Services and Products

  2. Gestione dei Cookie eStore | Cookie policy eStore

  3. Informativa sulla privacy per NTT eStore | Privacy statement for NTT eStore

  4. Termini e condizioni per l'utilizzo di NTT eStore | Terms and conditions for use of NTT eStore 


NTT Luxembourg PSF S.A

  1. eStore Terms and Conditions NTT Luxembourg

  2. General Terms and conditions: Uptime Services

  3. General terms and conditions


NTT Netherlands BV

  1. General Terms and conditions

  2. Privacy Statement e-Store

  3. Terms of Use e-Store


NTT Poland SP. Z O.O.

  1. Oglne Warunki Sprzeday_General Terms and Conditions


NTT Switzerland SA.

  1. NTT Switzerland SA Standard Terms and Conditions (English)

  2. Modalits et Conditions Gnrales de NTT Switzerland SA (French)

  3. Allgemeine Geschftsbedingungen von NTT Switzerland SA (German)

United Kingdom

NTT United Kingdom Limited

  1. NTT UK Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale