When it comes to enterprise technology, it’s the network that really shines as a modern-day superhero. Although they’re usually unseen and operating undercover, IT networks are expected to do it all: fending off the villains of security threats and data breaches, constantly trying to right the wrongs of outages and service interruptions, and saving the day by stepping up when users need it most.

As enterprise networking continues to evolve, understanding how to arm your digital infrastructure with heroic powers has never been so important. Here are some of the mission-critical network capabilities that every business needs.

1. Incredible strength

Ever-faster hardware, shifts to software automation, and more AI and machine learning across business operations are placing new pressures on the network. Add to this an influx of users who need continuous availability and uptime, and you’ll soon see why there’s no room for errors or downtime.  

A strong network enables employee experience and collaboration. Organizations with digitally transformed networks that are fast, robust and able to maintain communication to perform under the most difficult of circumstances, are the ones getting ahead.

2. Unmatched adaptability

With employees working in disparate locations and applications being everywhere, connectivity is expected to provide next-level digital experiences for users who are hybrid or remote.

Adaptability increases business success, which means superfast reflexes and responsiveness are critical. The modern network must react to changing business conditions, environments and additional requirements in seconds, not minutes or hours.

3. Solid security

Security features continue to converge into networks, providing critical control points in defense against increasingly sophisticated attacks. Embedded security controls that are part of the network, not added on, mean the network provides the best defense against the ultimate “villains” and gives organizations a fighting chance of coming out on top.

Security and compliance concerns sit within every component of IT and network operations and can no longer be tackled manually. Smart networks can identify breaches and intrusions in a flash, before they do any harm.

4. Superior intelligence

Automation and AIOps mean networks are cunning. They can think on their feet to determine the right course of action and quickly change tack before any trouble breaks out.

A superhero network can automatically detect anomalies and predict degradations ahead of time. Introducing the secret weapons of AI and automation across the network will also unlock smarter, service-orientated growth opportunities.

5. X-ray vision

Network and infrastructure leaders tell us that limited or lack of visibility across IT infrastructure remains a huge challenge, making it difficult to identify valuable operational insights.

Being able to see across the network and deep into network performance is a game changer. You gain the power to understand usage trends and learn more about the devices connected to the network. Indeed, transformed networks have the ultimate X-ray vision to sort through complexity more efficiently to see the problem that needs to be fixed or the user that needs to be saved.

6. An awesome sidekick

Like any superhero, the network has a few sidekicks or an ensemble team – the people who assist with offering alternative points of view and knowledge to step up and fill any gaps.

As digital skills gaps widen and hold many organizations back from unleashing their peak digital powers, managed service specialists are the experts who can lead you in end-to-end network transformation, ensuring your infrastructure is always ready to heed the call to action.