
Next-generation approach to cybersecurity

Our superior threat intelligence and analytics capabilities help to optimize your organization’s security posture. We leverage advanced technologies and service expertise to improve your ability to identify, measure, manage and mitigate information security risks. This involves enhanced focus on 24x7 monitoring and threat detection using advanced analytics, contextual threat intelligence and responsive strategic intervention. Rapid incident response and actionable remediation guidance are key aspects of our involvement.

Key outcomes

Key outcomes


We deliver faster incident responses by automating repetitive manual tasks and providing customized, intuitive playbooks, with express countermeasures.

Reduce false positives

Automated SOC workflows with optimized playbooks improve analyst participation and cross-correlation capabilities.


Our kernel-based protection keeps enterprises secure against malicious executables written to disk and file-less attacks.


We leverage advanced techniques and analysis to determine trends and augment threat-hunting and incident responses. 



Our security specialists mitigate billions of security events annually


Enjoy superior customer experiences with comprehensive managed services


Our leading global technology services delivery enables financial stability


We invest in R&D to ensure we’re delivering groundbreaking services
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We partner with organizations around the world to shape and achieve outcomes through intelligent technology solutions.

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