Transform to compete in the digital era

The airline industry has seen some seismic changes in air travel, from higher costs due to fuel price volatility to the growing demand for personalized digital experiences. These pressures are causing your industry to change the way it operates, and we know that Singapore Airlines has been proactively pursuing programs to address this.

As your strategic partner for digital innovation, we bring you in-depth technology and innovation capabilities. NTT DATA can help you achieve your vision for change and transform your airline business. By modernizing your applications to meet operational needs across your entire ecosystem, we can support you in making Singapore Airlines an innovative digital leader.

How we can help Singapore Airlines innovate and take flight

So sieht wahre Vernetzung aus – NTT und Köln Bonn Airport

Köln Bonn Airport nutzt private 5G-Konnektivität zur Innovationsförderung

Der Verkehrs- und Frachtflughafen Köln Bonn Airport möchte seine Modernisierung durch Einsatz eines drahtlosen Netzwerks vorantreiben. Es soll das gesamte Flughafengelände vernetzen, die Effizienz steigern und große Datenmengen in nahezu Echtzeit verarbeiten können.
So sieht wahre Vernetzung aus – NTT und Flight Centre

Flight Centre Travel Group

So transformierte Flight Centre seine globalen Beschaffungssysteme für ein optimales Kundenerlebnis.
Entdecken Sie die Verbindung - NTT und die Fraport AG

Privates 5G als Netzwerk-Basis

Erfahren Sie, wie wir ein privates 5G Netzwerk als Basis entworfen und aufgebaut haben, um Technologien zur Optimierung des Flughafenbetriebs zu verbinden.


Global capabilities supported by local on-the-ground expertise

Our global–local approach means we deliver immediate responsiveness and unmatched agility that gets right to the heart of your biggest challenges.

Award-winning Tier 1 network and connectivity infrastructure

Our full-stack solution delivers industry-leading global network connectivity with a high-speed, low-latency Tier 1 Global IP Network spanning five continents.

Edge-to-cloud technology

An end-to-end digital stack, from network to cloud and applications.

Sustainability leader

Our innovative sustainability solutions can help you reduce carbon, energy and water usage, and accurately report on your sustainability performance.

Long-standing partnerships

Cisco DNA
Palo Alto Networks logo
Google Cloud
HP logo
VMware by Broadcom

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