Implement a technology roadmap and create a sustainable workplace

Ready to realize and leverage the value of a connected, resilient, future-proof digital infrastructure?

We can help you transform and reimagine your infrastructure “from the carpet to the cloud.” Our innovative, end-to-end capabilities create brilliant experiences for both your customers and your people.

We make experience the strategic differentiator for your organization. We define, blueprint and articulate your strategy to ensure you’re on the pathway to reading your desired operating model, and creating a connected, secure and more sustainable workplace.

Partner with us to meet greater service demands from your customers, securely and efficiently, and create a sustainable workplace you can be proud of.

Together, we accelerate your workplace transformation, and enable your organization to become an agile, digital leader in the BPO industry.


So sieht wahre Vernetzung aus - NTT- und Telecenter-Services

Omnichannel-Erlebnisse für unsere Kunden

Tele-centre Services implementierte eine Cisco CX-Plattform zur Deckung seines aktuellen und zukünftigen Kommunikationsbedarfs. Damit sind Mitarbeiter in der Lage, über die von ihnen gewählte Methode mit Kunden zu interagieren, sei es über Voice, Web-Chat, E-Mail oder andere digitale Kanäle.
So sieht wahre Vernetzung aus – NTT DATA und Knorr-Bremse

Knorr-Bremse treibt die Digitalisierung mit Managed SD-WAN voran

Ein modernes Netzwerk unterstützt die Einführung von Microsoft 365 und Teams und den Umzug wichtiger Anwendungen in die Cloud.
See the connection - NTT and Aperia Office

NTT’s intelligent workplace in Singapore gets thumbs-up from employees and reduces costs by 30%

“[COVID meant that] overnight we started to work remotely. It helped us understand that remote … and hybrid working models are very feasible.” – Johan G van Vuuren, SVP Human Resources (APAC), NTT.


Deep BPO and CX industry knowledge

Our knowledge of the BPO industry, built over many years of working with you, means we understand how to build better experiences through a combination of consulting expertise and next-generation technologies. 

Cloud to edge technology capabilities

Help you realize value from a connected, resilient and future-proof digital infrastructure.

Local experience, global thinking

Our global execution model and culture of adaptable delivery means we can bring the most appropriate solutions and support for your needs.

End-to-end business solutions

We offer true end-to-end business solutions, beginning with workplace design, through to the facilities build, or a managed facility that includes operation and maintenance.

VMware by Broadcom
Google Cloud
HP logo
Palo Alto Networks logo
Cisco DNA

We’re here to help!

Let us be your next generation technology and transformation accelerator

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*Gartner, Magic Quadrant for Network Services, Global, Danellie Young, Karen Brown, Gaspar Valdivia, 22. Februar 2023

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