
Perfect solution for your SAP HANA ecosystem

Our SAP Hosting Service offers secured, managed, flexible and scalable SAP HANA enterprise cloud-grade infrastructure for your critical SAP HANA environment. SAP Certified, VMware Cloud verified HANA community cloud in a hybrid architecture is optimized to meet any of your critical SAP HANA cloud hosting requirements for present and future digital disruptions.

Key outcomes

Key outcomes

SAP-certified hosting specialists

Multiple SAP-compliant hosting models as well as SAP Basis support.

Infrastructure and OS management

Extensive range of implementation and monitoring approaches.

24x7 Security Operations Center

Round-the-clock cloud and service support, with physical and network security.

Customizable disaster recovery solutions

Multiple options for primary SAP and DR sites; availability up to 99.99%.
Success stories
Die Verbindung sehen – PDS Limited

Geschäftliche Agilität durch Cloud und SAP-Modernisierung

PDS haben die SAP-Umgebung des Unternehmens in die Cloud verlagert und eine sichere, skalierbare Plattform für Wachstum geschaffen.
See the connection - NTT and Consul Consolidated

Consul hosts India’s first SAP HANA implementation

We enabled Consul India to run their IT. They run a robust data center setup with 99.99% uptime for all their business applications that is scalable and reliable.


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SAP hosting operations logo
SAP Global HANA Operations logo


20 years

  Experience in colocation infrastructure, data center migration & security


  Leading technology services ensure business continuity


Easily transition to different environments & models


Globally benchmarked solutions
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