
Secure by design

Our intelligent process solutions help you inform and optimize user experiences through improved accessibility, efficiency and reliability. We advise and assess the security posture of your applications from an architecture and control perspective. By applying data protection by design principles in all applications delivered in the cloud, we safeguard and preserve data integrity and confidentiality, while identifying and remediating vulnerabilities to enable an improved user experience and drive business efficiency.

Key outcomes

Key outcomes

Data strategy

Our unique design and implementation approach enables companies to embark on their data strategy journey in a structured and measured way.

Data services

Our data services team assists in the management of the full data life cycle to maximize efficiency and the benefits gained from data.

Business information

We support data-driven decision-making and reduce general business latency with accurate, quickly available data. 

Artificial intelligence

Leveraging AI to solve some of the most complex business problems, we also make use of general-purpose algorithms to deliver an optimal return on investment.
See the connection – NTT and A.S.O.

Digital transformation and innovation at the Tour de France

Description: A.S.O, organizers of Tour de France, create a revolutionary experience through digital twin and real-time analytics.
Contact us

Wir sind für Sie da!

Wir arbeiten mit Organisationen auf der ganzen Welt zusammen, um mit intelligenten Technologielösungen Ergebnisse zu gestalten und zu erzielen.

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In April 2024, Dimension Data was rebranded as NTT DATA.

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