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Managed services
Software-defined infrastructure

Where do your sensors, servers and switches go when they’re no longer useful? And why is this such an important question?

Outdated equipment poses security risks – and affects your sustainability targets. Excessive energy use, inefficient disposal methods and the need to extract raw materials to manufacture new equipment all add up to a significant impact on the environment.

This is why a holistic approach to your technology lifecycle management is essential.

Wasteful practices are not sustainable

Generally, the technology industry has followed an “acquire, deploy, break and fix” approach, with not much regard for what happens to the technology thereafter. This has led to an overload of technology assets and no clear strategy for their lifecycle management, including sustainability considerations.

And, these wasteful practices are preventing organizations from meeting their environmental, social and governance goals.

Why comprehensive management of technology assets is key

Comprehensive management encompasses every phase of an asset’s lifecycle, from manufacturing to disposal. By strategically managing each phase, your organization can minimize the environmental impact of technology equipment, reduce costs and improve security.

A critical aspect of this lifecycle strategy is the shift toward software-defined infrastructure (SDI), which provides centralized control over multivendor hardware and software. By reducing hardware costs and improving resource allocation, SDI also minimizes waste and environmental impact.

Another aspect is a sustainable technology refresh: a strategic approach to updating and replacing your technology infrastructure and equipment in a way that prioritizes environmental sustainability and resource efficiency. This includes working with service providers that can manage and dispose of these assets correctly.

3 steps to better practices

A holistic approach has three main components:

  1. Invest in energy-efficient technology: This is not only environmentally responsible but also cost-effective in the long run.
  2. Extend the lifespan of your technology assets: When you invest in technology that will last longer through upgrades and maintenance, you produce less ewaste and minimize your environmental impact.
  3. Dispose of equipment responsibly: Use technology partners who are certified to manage the process correctly. Reducing the amount of waste that goes into landfills helps to lower your organization’s carbon footprint.

Including sustainability in the narrative of your technology lifecycle demonstrates your commitment to environmental stewardship and contributes to a positive brand image.

Find a partner with green credentials

To implement sustainable practices efficiently throughout the technology asset lifecycle, organizations often work with managed service providers (MSPs) like NTT.

If this is an approach you’re considering, be sure to practice green procurement: the purchase of goods and services with minimal adverse environmental impact. Verify the sustainability credentials of both the MSP and their partners.

We’ve set ambitious sustainability targets for NTT, including having net-zero emissions across our operations by 2030 and across our entire value chain by 2040.

In addition, we’re committed to incorporating circular design into the way we work by 2026 to reduce waste and carbon emissions. Circular design promotes sustainability by creating systems where products and materials are reused, remanufactured or recycled to extend their lifespan and reduce resource consumption.

We’re even looking at innovative ways of measuring and reporting on sustainability gains within our SDI services platform.

A sustainable partnership

We are therefore well positioned to support our clients in making their own technology lifecycle more sustainable, from inception to disposal. For example, we may recommend a manufacturer whose products are more expensive in the short term but which will last longer through upgrades and maintenance.

In this way, we help you reduce costs, enhance security and, most importantly, become a responsible steward of the environment.


Read more about NTT’s Technology Solutions to see how we can help you realize your sustainability goals. 

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