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Collaboration and CX

Planning to deploy workplace communication and collaboration tools can be complex. And no wonder. From governance and compliance to security and employee adoption, there are many considerations and choices to make. And you can’t afford to take your eye off the ball. It’s no wonder that many IT decision-makers accidentally leave gaps in their planning.

So, what is the best way to approach your workplace communication and collaboration rollout? A very helpful way of thinking about it comes in a new independent report from Wainhouse Research that we’ve sponsored. ‘Reframing the Approach to Enterprise Communications’ takes a holistic approach in terms of three complementary focus areas: the ‘the 3Ws’ of Workplace, Workforce and Workflows.

In the video below, Craig Durr, Senior Analyst, Wainhouse Research, discusses the three areas with Adam Hannigan, VP Global Advanced Services, NTT, and how this approach can de-risk your deployment plan.

Not just de-risk it, but make sure it succeeds!

Workplace, workforce and workflows

As Craig explains, the 3Ws help visualize the bigger picture of any cloud deployment. Rather than looking at each one in isolation, you can better understand how each interconnects. In simple terms, you are sure to cover off where people work, how they interact, and the technology and processes that get work done.


Transformation, transformation, transformation

It might seem obvious, and you may feel you fully understand at least one of these ‘W’s. As a word of caution, it may just be a little more complex than it first appears. Even if you’ve done digital transformation mapping already, recent global events have significantly changed the market, your workforce and their working behaviours, and will have likely impacted your business drivers. Just think of how the definition of the ‘workplace’ has evolved!

The fact is, workplace, workforce and workflows are all evolving, and all at the same time. The good news is that there’s always time to make sure you’re on the right path, and reset or adjust as needed.

Don’t forget the people

Another key takeaway from the video is the importance of looking beyond just technology. As an IT decision-maker, you need to focus on what the business needs and your end-users are looking for; then map that to your technology strategy. As Adam notes, your end-users are real people and will probably be less interested than you in which technology is deployed. Their main concern will simply be that they have what they need to easily get their job done. No surprise then that transformation projects that keep both business outcomes and end-users front of mind are the ones that deliver the most business value.

The Cloud Deployment Framework: a methodology that works

Adam also outlines our own Cloud Deployment Framework. It’s a new methodology that we’ve developed to support clients on their cloud deployment journey. The Framework consists of five modules, each designed to address a specific element of a digital transformation project. In common, each enables us to work with you to efficiently and effectively audit and understand your existing environment. Once done, we then map it to an actionable plan. This gives you a 360-degree view that addresses planning, implementation and end-user adoption. It’s a proven framework and is enabling us to help clients successfully accelerate their digital transformation projects.

Such transformation has never been more important and yet the considerations are not all straightforward. Thinking in terms of ‘the 3Ws’ and adopting the Cloud Deployment Framework will help you succeed. Do watch the video for the full discussion and more insights and download your free copy of the Wainhouse report. Here’s a further teaser of what you can read about.

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