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Collaboration and CX

WebexOne is Cisco’s must-attend virtual event of the year. It’s two days of essential insights, briefings, best practices and updates to wise you up to all things Webex. Split over two days, WebexOne puts the spotlight on Hybrid Work (Day 1) and Customer Experience (Day 2).

We’re delighted to be supporting WebexOne as a platinum sponsor. Not only will there be keynotes and briefings from the breadth of the senior Cisco leadership team, but there will also be showcases of best practise from client work around the globe and a chance to hear what lies ahead on the Cisco roadmap to add to the hundreds of features and products introduced over the past year. do drop by our virtual stand too.

Core to the summit is, of course, Webex. The event will help you understand Webex strategy for a more inclusive way to work. What’s more, you’ll also see first-hand how the platform enables innovative experiences across workspaces, no matter where you are in the world; in an office or working remotely.

We’ve picked out some of the sessions that have caught the eye from the agenda, around collaboration, meetings and how we work in the new era of hybrid working. Those listed below are all from WebexOne – Day 1, (a Day 2 selection will follow soon) – and you can browse the full agenda and register now for this free virtual event. Check the schedule for timings to suit your time zone.

Keynote: Elevate your Hybrid Work Experience

Kicking off proceedings are Cisco executives including Chuck Robbins, Chair & CEO, Jeetu Patel, EVP/GM, Security & Collaboration and Javed Khan, SVP/GM Collaboration. They’ll be talking about how – for organizations of all sizes – Cisco’s hybrid work strategy is delivering better hybrid work experiences. They’ll cover new innovations that enable continuous, collaborative workflows across different hybrid workspace environments. More than this, these are innovations that can help you enhance employee safety and wellbeing, build culture in your organization, and create hybrid events audiences will never forget.

Embrace the potential of collaboration with the Webex platform

In this session, you can learn more about the power of the Webex platform. Today’s hybrid work environment requires a collaboration solution that is inclusive, secure, and flexible. And that meets many needs. Organizations need tools to easily manage a widespread workforce. Users need to be able to communicate when, where and how they want, using their favourite apps. Your IT staff need easy access to information and troubleshooting, and to know that the organization is protected from security threats. The Webex platform is designed to deliver a seamless end-user experience while saving time and resources for IT administrators. What’s more, it adheres to the strictest security, compliance and data sovereignty standards. Join this session to hear about how the industry-leading technology of the Webex platform and its AI-enabled experiences and extensibility are transforming hybrid work.

Secure users, devices and content end-to-end

Strong security is a must in the hybrid work world, but how can you be sure your company data and intellectual property are protected when meeting, messaging and sharing content? In this session, the panel will explore the state of collaboration security and how your organization can keep deployments protected, private and compliant using Webex. You’ll hear from industry analyst Jim Lundy about what you need to know about data sovereignty, national cloud and the latest security trends. Cisco SVP and Chief Security and Trust Officer Brad Arkin will advise on security best practices. And you’ll hear from our very own Nicolas Coudret, Senior Product Director, Managed Collaboration and Communications, on how NTT helps our clients overcome collaboration security challenges. This session will help you get up to speed so you feel confident your users, devices and content are protected end-to-end.

Keep collaboration flowing beyond the meeting with Webex

In the world of hybrid work, messaging and asynchronous collaboration are more important than ever. As the boundary between work and home has become blurred, people are experiencing a variety of downsides. Are your colleagues reporting meeting fatigue, or feeling disconnected from colleagues? Do they worry that they may be excluded from decision-making processes? In this session, learn how Webex gives you the tools to keep collaboration flowing. Discover how to get more done with fewer meetings, manage your work-life balance, ensure all team members feel included, and get back some of your most valuable asset, time.

Create more inclusive meeting experiences

Hybrid work has the potential to create schisms. These could occur between office workers and remote workers, vocal extroverts and reserved introverts, or people who speak different languages. In this session, you’ll learn about how Meetings in Webex enables a more inclusive real-time collaboration environment; one that delivers equal experiences for everyone, regardless of their location, personality or abilities.

Streamline collaboration with workspace devices designed for interoperability with any platform

Into ‘interop’? This one’s for you. Bringing your team, customers and partners together to communicate, collaborate and solve problems is at the core of everyone’s work. However, with many people working remotely and participating using other vendors’ solutions, additional problems can arise. Interoperability challenges make it difficult to connect and hinder effective teamwork. Attend to hear about the latest calling and meetings innovations, and how at home or the office, Cisco solutions enable an effortless connection. The bottom line? You can get the best possible collaboration experience whether powered by Webex, or third-party platforms, using Cisco solutions. These not only streamline hybrid work for every participant, but they also simplify admin for IT.

That’s just a small selection of the sessions from WebexOne – Day 1. Look out soon for a further list of sessions to consider for Day 2, a day dedicated to Customer Experience. Do register though now to find all the ones to suit your interests and needs.

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