Enabling M&S to become more fundamentally insightful and data-driven

We’d like to be the strategic partner you need to drive your service operations and technology to the next level, simplifying the process of change so you can focus on what matters most: sharing the magic of M&S.

Die Verbindung sehen – NTT und Tour de France

Edge, IoT und ein revolutionäres Fan-Erlebnis für die Tour de France

Die Partnerschaft zwischen NTT DATA und der Amaury Sport Organisation (A.S.O.) reicht bis ins Jahr 2015 zurück. Durch die Verknüpfung der Geschehnisse am Edge des Netzwerks mit leidenschaftlichen Fans und Rennveranstaltern haben wir die Art und Weise, wie das Rennen gesehen und verwaltet wird, verändert.

Carrefour takes a cloud-first approach to their digital transformation

Leveraging the power of the cloud allowed this multinational food retailer to minimize the cost of activating new services, align IT costs to business needs and reduce their time to market for new applications.

A cloud-first strategy keeps TIP in the driver’s seat 

To continue driving customer satisfaction and a strong culture of innovation, TIP Trailer Services worked with us to migrate their IT environment to Azure. This move to the cloud ensures that their technology will be able to support their business ambitions as they continue to grow.

Why NTT?

Retail-specific solutions

With AI, you can track in-store trends and customer behaviour to better inform loyalty programmes and targeted interactions. We also have a track record in retail innovation, as demonstrated by our NTT Data and Metaverse retail solution.

Outcome-based solution design, people-centric technology

Our infrastructure services and support are tailored to your needs and integrated into a single operating platform for easy self-management and reporting.

Recognised industry leader

We’re a Leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Network Services, Global and we’re ranked highest in three out of five Use Cases in the Gartner Critical Capabilities for Network Services, Global.

Shared cultural values

Our 150-year heritage of using technology as a force for good now includes helping clients reach net-zero by 2030. We have also prioritised the reduction of our own emissions and are building circularity and regenerative principles into our operations, using technology to protect the natural world.

Global expertise 

With more than 30 global businesses, we have one of the largest teams of network, security and cloud experts certified across multiple vendors, technologies and industry standards. 


VMware by Broadcom
Google Cloud
Dell Technologies logo
Palo Alto Networks logo
Cisco DNA
Juniper Networks

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* Gartner Magic Quadrant for Global WAN Services Analytiker*innen: Danellie Young, Gaspar Valdivia, Karen Brown, Lisa Pierce, 15. April 2024

**2023 Gartner, ®Magic Quadrant™ Managed Network Services,

Analysten: Ted Corbett, Bjarne Munch, Lisa Pierce, Danellie Young, Jon Dressel, veröffentlicht am 8. November 2023

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