Getting the most from your SD-WAN | NTT

by Felix Massoth 

26 June 2020

Cisco software-defined wide area network (SD-WAN)

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Why choose Cisco software-defined wide area network (SD-WAN) 

Organizations today are faced with a challenge; they need to be flexible and respond quickly to unexpected events, while still supporting day-to-day business objectives. Creating flexible IT infrastructure and networks has been top-of-mind for IT teams for several years, but this need for agility has further accelerated to support the new ways of working and redefine customer experience.

Software-defined networking has emerged as a driver of the evolution of the modern network, allowing organizations to virtualize their network infrastructure, creating greater agility, business flexibility, and cost savings.

The challenges facing organizations are expanding faster than could have been anticipated, even a year ago.

  • Ensuring seamless collaboration has become a mission-critical imperative with entire organizations being run from remote locations.
  • This has accelerated the shift of mission-critical applications to the cloud as companies strive to remove bottlenecks between their users and the applications and data they require.
  • With fewer people on-site, organizations are looking towards the Internet of Things to provide them with greater insights with increased automation of routine functions.
  • Organizations are increasingly looking to consume everything as a service, to have access to the latest technologies without incurring the associated costs.

The software-defined wide area network (SD-WAN) is critical in supporting these four key areas, but it’s not without its challenges.

Managing the complexity

The range of SD-WAN options is indicative of the complexity that underlies any WAN migration. While software-defined networking has simplified the deployment of services closer to the edge of the network, the wide-area network is a more complex environment.

Without a detailed understanding of the existing infrastructure and applications, it becomes increasingly difficult to successfully implement. However, the value provided by greater insight and control over applications, robust edge-to-edge security, and improved end-user performance are key reasons for the enthusiasm around the move to SD-WAN.

People helping each other with technology

A trusted partner can ensure your SD-WAN investment delivers

The size and scope of modern wide-area networks are at the heart of this complexity with multiple network access types, such as wireless, MPLS, dedicated and broadband internet, routing rules, and security policies all needing to be catered for and integrated.

Each organization’s migration path to SD-WAN varies, depending on the readiness of their IT infrastructure and internal capability to implement, monitor, and optimize the connectivity.

Engage your way

Whether you want to manage your SD-WAN yourself, or consume your WAN as a service, or anything in between, you need a partner who has the expertise to design, build and manage networks so that they’re ready for the changing work landscape.

A managed SD-WAN ensures that you get the most out of your networks by dynamically routing traffic, so that even if there are connectivity issues the user experience isn’t impacted. It allows you to update and deploy new policies to the entire network in a matter of days from a centralized point, and increased automation enables the network to dynamically adjust to changes in the environment without the need for human intervention.

Extracting the maximum value from your SD-WAN investment requires that the network is configured and managed to optimize its efficiency. Our extensive experience, long-standing partnership with Cisco and our dedicated Managed SD-WAN services ensures that you have access to the skills needed to enable your network, so you can achieve your business objectives.

This turns your network into a powerful platform for innovation. Together we can help you build, secure and manage this critical resource, to improve efficiency and reduce operational risk, giving you a flexible WAN infrastructure that’s agile enough to meet your changing business needs.

Contact us to assess where you are on your SD-WAN journey and find the right solution for you.

Felix Massoth

Felix Massoth 

Head of MS GTM and SCOE Relationship